Menú ¡España fue la PRIMERA en dar la vuelta al mundo? ⚓️

¡España fue la PRIMERA en dar la vuelta al mundo? ⚓️
España: Pionera en dar la vuelta al mundo
¿Sabías que España jugó un papel crucial en la primera vuelta al mundo? ¡Este hecho sorprendente podría cambiar tu visión de la historia! En MIL QUINIENTOS DIECINUEVE, una flota española zarpó bajo el mando de Fernando de Magallanes con un objetivo audaz: circunnavegar el globo. Esta hazaña, considerada imposible en su época, marcó el inicio de una nueva era de exploración. La expedición enfrentó enormes desafíos: tormentas devastadoras, motines, hambre y enfermedades. Magallanes no sobrevivió al viaje, pero Juan Sebastián Elcano tomó el mando y completó la misión. Tres años después, en MIL QUINIENTOS VENTIDOS, una sola nave regresó a España. De los DOSCIENTOS TRENTAINUEVE hombres que partieron, solo DIECIOCHO volvieron. Pero su logro cambió el mundo para siempre. Esta hazaña española no solo probó que la Tierra era redonda, sino que también abrió nuevas rutas comerciales y expandió nuestro conocimiento del mundo. Fue el inicio de la globalización tal como la conocemos hoy. ¿Te sorprende el papel de España en este hito histórico? Comparte tus pensamientos en los comentarios y no olvides explorar nuestros otros videos sobre hazañas históricas que cambiaron el mundo. ¡La historia está llena de sorpresas!
Explore la fascinante historia de España y sus revolucionarios logros. ¿Sabía que España fue el primer país en circunnavegar el globo? Acompáñenos en este recorrido por la extraordinaria historia de los exploradores españoles y sus increíbles hazañas. Desde los valientes conquistadores hasta los audaces navegantes, descubriremos los secretos que se esconden tras los extraordinarios logros de España. Prepárese para embarcarse en una emocionante aventura a través del tiempo y descubrir la verdad sobre el espíritu pionero de España.

In this video, you will explore Spain’s significant contributions to global exploration and the journey that led to the first successful circumnavigation of the Earth.

It’s common to think that other nations were the first to achieve this incredible feat, but today we’re going to explore the overlooked role of Spain in this historic event. In fact, many people assume that the Portuguese or the British were the pioneers of global exploration, but that’s not entirely accurate. While it’s true that they made significant contributions, Spain was actually at the forefront of this journey. There’s a lot of misinformation out there, and I’m excited to set the record straight. For centuries, Spain has been overshadowed by other European powers, but it’s time to give credit where credit is due. The truth is that Spain played a crucial role in shaping the modern world, and its contribution to global exploration is just one example.

We often hear about the bravery of explorers like Vasco da Gama or James Cook, but what about the Spanish explorers who paved the way for them? It’s time to acknowledge the perseverance and skill of Spanish explorers who dared to venture into the unknown. From the early expeditions to the New World to the first circumnavigation of the globe, Spain has a rich history of exploration that’s waiting to be uncovered.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the common misconception that the Portuguese or the British were the first to circumnavigate the globe. This myth has been perpetuated for far too long, and it’s time to give Spain the recognition it deserves. So, let’s dive into the fascinating story of how Spain became the first country to successfully circumnavigate the world.

Delving into the details of the expedition led by Ferdinand Magellan, we find a story of courage, perseverance, and determination. In 1519, Magellan set sail from the port of Sanlúcar de Barrameda with five ships and over 200 men. The journey was not for the faint of heart – they faced treacherous seas, mutinies, and even scurvy. But Magellan was driven by his vision of reaching the Spice Islands, and he was determined to succeed.

As they sailed across the Atlantic, the expedition faced numerous challenges. They had to navigate through treacherous straits, avoid deadly sea creatures, and deal with harsh weather conditions. But Magellan was a skilled navigator, and he used his knowledge of the stars to guide the expedition. He also had the support of his trusted friend and ally, Juan Sebastián Elcano, who would later play a crucial role in the journey.

The route taken by Magellan and his men was a monumental one. They sailed across the Atlantic, through the Strait of Magellan at the tip of South America, and across the Pacific Ocean. Along the way, they discovered new islands, encountered new cultures, and collected valuable resources. The expedition was a testament to human endurance and the thirst for discovery that defined the Age of Exploration.


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